Willowbrook Farms & Moe Tech Industries
Willowbrook Farms & Moe Tech Industries

Willowbrook Farms & Moe Tech Industries

Vendor Biography


We are a company that provides aeroponic growing setups and also have our own farm where we grow our food organically. If you are interested in buying 1 or a full farm setup, please see our post and give us a shout. (Link for Towers)


We are Willowbrook Farms and provide top quality produce and are currently selling the most common and high demand crops but will be introducing more varieties as we expand. 


Currently we have a dedicated 1600 sqft area which consists of 100 towers supporting 5200 plants. We have over 1000 heads of lettuce, 500 Swiss chard, 250 kale, 250 pac Choi, arugula, basil, mint, and these are just the start as tomatoes and peppers, beans and peas are starting to seed. 


Our produce is super fresh and easily keeps for a week or two in your fridge. Of course our produce is available year around too!


We are local,  family based company who are motivated by and work with other food security and sovereignty projects.



Phone: 780-993-5235

Email: moe.tech.industries@gmail.com


If you are interested in finding out about RAW Certification, a program created by Dr. Shiva, just let me know. We are in the process of acquiring ours!


Towers: Moe Tech Industries

Produce: Willowbrook Farm