Regarding the organization itself – who we are, the vision, the club structure
The ethics and principles of the community
The actual agreement you must read, agree and adhere to.
Foundation Documents
Alberta Farm to Table Market Club
Part 1
It is a community. We believe we are entering a new world and this requires a new way to do business by cutting out the middleman. This opens up a marketplace where farmers and customers can create their own economy, develop trust with each other, setting their own rules of commerce and deciding how they want to do business, using trade, money or other means of exchange. The purpose is also to provide a private forum for its members to build community and do business with each other according to these rules.
AFTMC provides services for members and farmers. Charging a nominal sales fee of 15% on goods sold, creating services such as co-op style ventures for buying power for hay, building abattoirs as needed, finding butchers and other hard to come by services we aim to make transacting easy and simple, streamlining services that are harder to come by and use in the public service.
AFTMC will be providing charitable services for our community, including coupons for food which will evolve as our community and needs evolve.
We believe that by moving money that comes in from the sales and other charges back into the community everyone benefits. We have also looked at making funds available for schooling and other
trades learning, helping farmers and supporting other labor costs. This is a far reaching vision once we have established our financial base and can develop these programs.
… for the purpose of making sure everyone has access to good food.
To build up new delivery areas in Alberta and create the supply chain infrastructure. Mark Soren (Graham Norton) is both driving items to the cities & delivering customer orders at the moment, is volunteering his time but will like to be paid in due course. With greater GFGU sales he will hire either food transport companies or local people to move products between cities to the organizers.
Alberta Farm to Table Membership Club aka AFTMC operating within Growing From the Ground Up.Org
Club Ownership: Graham Norton & Susan Norton created and developed the program, the site, and the structure. We have sole ownership and discretionary power. It is our intent to create something that is fair and supports all individuals though we will retain ownership for the foreseeable future.
Chapter Development
We are developing new areas such as Edmonton and Red Deer. Currently people such as Darren in Edmonton will be taking over the Edmonton area and is volunteering until the customer base and farmers for Edmonton area are built up. During this time we are carrying the costs of the Hall Rental, delivery of food to Edmonton, and payment of drivers and sorters, though much of the time of the drivers and sorters will also be on a volunteer basis to start with. We include this here as an example of the development we are undertaking to build the communities and membership.
Time Length for Roles: There is no specific time length for any position within our structure. People may choose to leave and we would ask for a month notice if possible to find a replacement.
Organizer Development
We post “looking for new areas to develop and people respond according to their interests. We conduct an interview/get to know you session where everyone asks questions and shares what they are looking for. It has been an easy process because people are either interested or not. Some of the values we look for are a dedication and a commitment. Most people are aware of the need to develop networks and their expectations are to build this for the long term. Currently any one from any area could choose to be an organizer and we would work with them to facilitate that. In most cases they would require a car, need to be there weekly or biweekly depending on their area, they would need to have computer access be comfortable contacting farmers and customers and be able to sort out drivers and other deliveries etc.
We are using the family structure as the basis for developing the organization. As everyone lives in one house the chapters will fall under the leadership of Graham and Elana, with the rules in place. As areas develop autonomy and wish to become more independent, we are open to developing the structures that would facilitate that. Until such time, we will retain leadership of the organization.
We see ourselves and the purpose of the organization as being of a humanitarian nature, looking to develop community and out of that perhaps a culture that is self-sustaining and self-guiding as each member works out issues equitably, according to higher moral principles and with care for others as family members would.
Growing From the Ground Up is the online presence, a multi-vendor marketplace which AFTMC operates within, with local chapters using the website to connect customers and farmers. Each chapter will accept the AFTMC structure and operate within the principles of the AFTMC (Alberta Farm to Table Members Club), though each chapter may choose to operate differently within it though still adhering to the original AFTMC principles, (such as sharing, honesty in business practices and relationships, transparency, supporting charity (could include farmers providing food at reduced costs), and leaning toward being like a family in the relationships (e.g. A family is the smallest social unit of any organization and our membership is a social unit to uphold high values and ethics in dealing with each other… fairly (Moral charity) & within dealings… (Charity in judgement i.e. compassionate)
Each chapter has area organizers, drivers, sorters and members.
Chapter Organizers
An organizer is the head of a chapter though we can have area organizers under the chapter organizer as well. Chapter Organizers operate under the leadership of Graham Norton and Susan Norton and can choose to replace an organizer if there is sufficient reason i.e. wrongdoing or complaints. This would be a last resort and instead every effort is going to be made to resolve any difficulty prior to this as we recognize each Chapter knows their towns and areas often better than we do.
We do not have any Structure or rules in place for the following, as Graham Norton and Susan Norton have sole discretionary power at this time:
- No Major Committees. No Terms of Office
- No Meeting Schedule.
- No Meetings. Any organizational person can ask for a meeting and these will be scheduled either on a one on one or as a group as needed. Typically we hold meeting before deliveries for the group and talk about changes, suggestions and items specific to the delivery and farmers. Meeting are also online as needed.
- No Quorum.
- No Rules of Order. Meetings are informal and are arranged as organizational people need. Basically the Organizational people call meetings as needed
Charter Amendments
As part of the vision, each charter will be autonomous within the overall principles though how they may deliver and sort is based on their needs. When the organization is large enough and can financially support itself, we will transition to this autonomy and further charter rules may be introduced. The organization will evolve
Organizers, Drivers, Sorters and Pay
Drivers, Pick Up and Sorters: Tasks
Often interchange their responsibilities and will do multiple tasks. Some people are more comfortable driving in difficult weather conditions and city driving. People sort this out for themselves and let us know. We help with gas costs and people who are helping are volunteers.
What is our ideal membership?
- People who want to buy direct from the farmer and side step box stores
- Who want quality food
- Community
- Have reduced delivery fees
- Monthly membership food deals – as a way to promote farmers that we would buy and provide free of charge
- A permanent 25% off of specific products we can get
- Bulk buying opportunities
- Samples items from farmers
- Transporting parcels to areas where we deliver starting at $15
- Access to health care (being developed)
- Farmers to have access to support for their farms (future endeavor)
- Currently free but maybe $10.00 a quarter
- Fees will help with admin costs
- Down the road maybe our 1st customers will get 1st dibs on products. This has not been fully decided on. Membership levels may be based on the time when people have signed up as well as what kinds of products the members are seeking.
The organization is run as a private community. Volunteers are the back bone of the organization. Money generated from sales will pay for office and internet expenses like technical support, web hosting, word press plugins renewal and other fees. Additional money will be used for programs like food coupons and farmer support programs. Additional programs will be created to support organizers and their helpers.
- Food 15% of the sales
- Membership fees: $0.00
- Difference between MRSP and Wholesale prices
- Donations
- Approx $12, 479 for the year, including gas and delivery costs, internet, phone and insurance. This is not including the volunteer hours from everyone.
Our website is Growing from the Ground up. The membership section is separate and may include a chat section later on.
Alberta Farm to Table Market Club
Part 2
I apologize for the legality of this Club notice. As I see it we are a community of likeminded people who want to live our lives, raise our children and have a happy life. We want to have access to good and healthy food, create futures for our children where they too can have the bounty that we do. We believe everyone should be free to live according to the dictates of their morals and conscience. A society of the free!
This is a natural part of being human. As soon as a person organizes and builds any kind of community or family (an organization is a large family unit) we are engaging in sovereignty. When a person is deciding what type of group they want to be a part of and what their expectations are, this too is sovereignty. It is a fancy word for creating… stemming from the self. It is self-authenticating. It means ‘people power”. i
What we want to create for our life should be something wholesome and so we need to think about our values, the morals, the ethics and other standards that speak to where we are walking toward, where we want to be in our lives. These are our highest standards and we strive to live them every day to the best of our abilities. This is true for everyone. If you are raising a family what do you teach your children? Do you not want the best for them? Everyone does this. What we think of as best changes from person to person and so when you join or create a group or country for instance, you would choose the values that give you the ultimate in freedom and greatest latitude, the greatest hand up to where you want to be.
Core concepts:
To be conscious of this choice: that is what the expression of sovereignty is.
To wield that choice: that is the lawmaking or declaration of free will available in your sovereignty. It is the form of power available to you.
As part of sovereignty, there must be a recognition that every one of us is responsible for our decisions. Freedom wouldn’t be free if there were no ability to make mistakes and then learn from them. Once this is understood it then is easy to see that this same responsibility (for your decisions) must be extended to every other person. It is both a personal responsibility to one’s self and then is also extended to the other people in the society you are involved in. You cannot have it if you do not give it. There is a saying “Use it or lose it”. This is very apt for this purpose.
This also extends to your voice, you being heard and seen. To have a place within a community. It is just as important you share your view because everyone grows with input. It builds value for yourself and for everyone within the community.
“People power” (sovereignty) comes not from hiding but by speaking up and being heard. This is both personal responsibility and the practice of sovereignty. By speaking out about your needs or thoughts is a gift to other people as it allows others the opportunity to give you.
Most of us do not think of the gift of being able to share and communicate with each other as a gift. But it is the root of all economic transactions.
It is a personal responsibility for instance, to live the best you know how and then to extend that same goodness you give to yourself, to other people. It is freedom shared.
You will see these types of thinking and living demonstrated by Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Harriot Tubman, and others. They became leaders in building societies as they had a vision that was communicated. It grew because it was shared and was a common sentiment and experience.
The collective experience and wish to change it to something new was the force behind what these leaders stood for and fostered in others. Were they perfect people? No. Of course not. They were like us. They were able to articulate a vision and give voice to many. Your voice counts and in personal responsibility, you not only share your voice, but you give room to others to speak as well. You give them honor and respect.
It is natural once you realize your sovereignty, how you are sovereign, that self-governance is 1) an extension, 2) an action and 3) an outcome. You cannot know all this that came before and not be self-governing. It is like the flower of a tree. Being sovereign you have already instituted self- authorship of your life. It is like the strength of a tree being intrinsic to the trunk. Self- governance is the inherent law. We can look at what is law within a sovereign system.
This is more than a set of rules that are followed. As you live your best you come to decide which standards are ones that you want to follow, exemplify, live, share with your children, and participate with in a society and so on. Rules might start you on a path, but it is your own self choice that become the beginnings of self-governance. Self-governance is the highest form of natural law. Self-law is a part of natural law. So for example let us look at a square. A perfect square. A square is only a square if it has 90 degree angles. You change that and you no longer have a square.
This is an example of the law in action. It is a law of relationships. In this case, it is the 90 degree relationship. To resay it, what you do impacts others.
To live in self-law means you understand this and as a part of your responsibility to yourself (which in turn naturally extends itself to other members of your community) you always strive to honor your relationships and seek to make them as authentic as you can. This means that the self- law is carried out daily in your life as you seek to find harmony with others and alignment in all your relationships.
This does not mean however that you are always giving way to other people. If you know a standard to be true, to not hold your standard means that you are dishonouring yourself and then ultimately others too. Each person will choose for themselves their own standard and have their own experience as a result. If you have a young child wouldn’t you hold a standard for them until they can make their own choices? Is this not what parenting is about? But as you grow inwardly, this parenting becomes wisdom and becomes a standard for your community. This is what Eldering is.
In this section we are addressing what we might call ‘political law” and by this I am referring to the legal system in place today. PMA’s (Private Membership Associations) have a long history and in its roots, it allows its members to be private and conduct business in private and are not under the jurisdiction of the political law systems. Political law systems are not allowed to interfere and these laws do not apply to those under PMA’s. PMA’s give people the right of association, to do business and to make our own determination as to how this happens. The only deviation from this is if there is some serious crime being committed, like murder.
I have a background of personal study into freedom and slavery systems that goes back over 20 plus years. Recently I had an insight into law systems. It came about from an enquiry into the source of power in our systems. The short answer here is that there is the general political law and then there is another law that is superior to it.
Typically we would say might is right, especially in corrupt systems. So why would a PMA stand then? How much law do you need to keep it private? Without getting all flighty here, I will just say that we need to claim protection under this superior law, the superior court of “God” if you will. A higher power. There are two laws. A temporal power of the law courts and there is also a temporal court in the spiritual world too. People might be harassed and intimidated but not harmed. In this superior court unless we bring violence into the arena, the antagonists cannot bring in violence first.
Nothing in this world is as it seems and this is true here. We thought we had all these protections of a democracy.
For varying and different reasons for us all, we want greater access, reliability and connection to our farmers. Whether you feel our food supply is under duress, or that too many GMO’s products have made it into our food supply, or have concerns about pesticides, you are joining in good conscience and free will. To that end, among ourselves, we are collectively arranging to pick up food from the farmers who have delivered it to a central location where it will be sorted into your order. This may be in a neighbouring city/town, and then it is delivered to a specified area typically within your city for you to pick up. Delivery is also arranged if needed.
The system is set up that each farmer has their own “store” with their list of products they are selling to you. When you pay for items in your cart, that money is coming to GFGU. 15% is withheld for the purpose of running the back end and other expenses. The remaining 85% is paid to the farmer currently through interac and usually the day following the deliveries. This is so that any changes to orders, refunds and adjustments are done so easily. In essence you are buying directly from the farmers and we are the people who are arranging delivery to your area.
Our system is one of good will. We are not personally verifying each farmer and what they say about their food. Each farmer has a contact phone or email that you personally can talk with them and ask the questions important to you. In our conversations with the farmers and also from what we see when we pick up the foodstuffs from them is that they are honest, have good intent and endeavor to be honest and forthright about how they farm. They are family farms and take great care in the raising of their animals, and agriculture. Most of them use regenerative practices. In the case of produce some farmers may have to resort to use of pesticides in order not to lose their crops
and usually have alternatives they use first, like crop rotations, releasing ladybirds and aphidoletes for example. They farm preventatively.
If ever you find that there is some misrepresentation please bring it to our attention. We will talk with the farmer and see if perhaps there is a mislabeling, some misunderstanding or something that can be fixed. What we strive for here is transparency and honesty.
It is our intent not to include farms who farm using any kind of the following farming practices: the use battery caged animals, cruelty or other harmful and other morally repugnant actions, isolation of animals (with the exception of sick animals who are being isolated to heal and prevent infection of other animals). Any farmer who uses these practices will be removed from our available vendors.
Because we are community minded it is also our intention to provide help where we can to aid families and individuals who are financially stressed, unable to find food etc, to support them with the additional monies that may accrue from the 15% that the farmers put forward into the development of the GFGU system.
The PMA is renewed quarterly (every 3 months). We will be asking $10 per quarter in the future and is non- refundable.
- To be honest in your dealings with others.
- To treat people with respect and honour, even if you disagree with them.
- To give people room to have a voice even if it differs with your own.
- To give yourself room and by this we mean that you should speak your piece also, and strive to give voice to what you see when it is necessary.
- Because we are dealing with food, we ask all members to practice good sanitation and food handling practices. By signing this agreement all members acknowledge that everyone is doing their best and we all take personal responsibility for what we are buying and selling, what we are sharing with each other as a community. To enhance and create trust farmers and producers are asked to say exactly how something is produced/raised and answer all questions a community member might have. For example a member may be looking for a Non-GMO product. A farmer may raise something that does not fit that criteria and must say so. There are people to whom this is NOT a criteria they use to buy their food. So every product has a place here and must be listed in the greatest transparency. In this way every person is given the greatest latitude to choose for themselves the food they want to consume and have in their homes.
- At no point, ever, is anyone to discuss member dealing with non-members. This PMA is a private membership. It is not public nor ever meant to be public. This membership is for the purpose of conducting transactions with each other in an honorable way. We make our own contracts and manage our own dealings.
- We are maintaining a high standard of ethics and expect all members to have these standards also. (i.e. no stealing, fraud or misrepresentation). Please extend these standards to non-member dealings because it speaks to your character. If you do not feel you can adhere to these standards of conduct, please do not become a member. If we can help you in other ways, we will. Also, if you are looking to join because you need food and having difficulty providing for yourself and your family, please reach out to Mark or myself. We have food programs available and do not want to turn people away if we are able to help. Thank you.
All these practices are to create fair dealings and bring harmony and peace to all our interactions with each other. As our PMA evolves we will strengthen some of these guidelines that all our issues can be dealt with fairly within our community.
People who violate these rules will be dealt with accordingly and in most cases will be removed from membership and will no longer be able to participate within our community. If necessary we can also look to obtaining legal advice and guidance and may retain a lawyer as needed.
- To be honest in your dealings
- To try to sort out conflict and if you cannot find good resolution, please to include us and we will be an arbitrator and make sure everyone is happy with the result.
- To talk to the vendors, farmers and producers if you see an incongruence. Let us assume it is unintentional and give people space and time to make corrections. If it is an ongoing problem, please contact us and give us the details.
- To be honest and fair in your dealings with other members, farmers and producers.
- To list your products with the best possible information and intention, being as transparent as you know how as to the nature of your products, how they are produced and what if any cautions should be addressed. Please make sure your customers are fully informed as to what they are buying from you.
Alberta Farm to Table Market Club
Part 3
Your application WILL NOT be accepted if you do not agree to the following:
The ONLY reason you are joining is because you want to participate in our membership, to buy food for yourself and your family, and to participate in our community.
You have an active interest in building community, supporting local farmers and local delivery, supporting people in creating a sustainable food supply for your family and community.
You have no ulterior motive to joining and are not joining in any legal or governmental capacity. This private membership is strictly private. Private for all its members. Joining in any legal or governmental capacity is strictly forbidden and if you violate these rules, you will be dealt with accordingly through legal action as well as being removed from our PMA.
The question that became the core principles of the PMA:
Where is the power … within law and secondly, what is it that holds that power. Third, how do you apply the highest principles of that law within our life?
The Declaration:
This organization and community are under the direct guidance of God (a higher power). We claim the protection of that higher court and its laws and reside within that eminent domain.
You Understand:
You have personal responsibility for who you are, your choices and beliefs and that you should ethically extend it to others
- To honor your relationships and seek to make them as authentic as you can.
- Each person will choose for themselves, their own standards and not everyone will make the same choices as yourself.
- To be honest in your dealings with others.
- To treat people with respect and honor, even if you disagree with them.
- To give people room to have a voice even if it differs with your own.
- To give yourself room as well. By this we mean that you should speak your piece also, and strive to give voice to what you see when it is necessary.
- Because we are dealing with food, we ask all members to practice good sanitation and food handling practices. By signing this agreement all members acknowledge that everyone is doing their best and we all take personal responsibility for what we are buying and selling, what we are sharing with each other as a community. To enhance and create trust farmers and producers are asked to say exactly how something is produced/raised and answer all questions a community member might have. For example a member may be looking for a Non-GMO product. A farmer may raise something that does not fit that criteria and must say so. There are people to whom this is NOT a criteria they use to buy their food. So every product has a place here and must be listed in the greatest transparency. In this way every person is given the greatest latitude to choose for themselves the food they want to consume and have in their homes. It is our purpose to have farmers who use regenerative practices and other wholesome practices though not all have the same methods. We do not support farming that is destructive or abusive. If you become aware of something that falls under abuse or is destructive, we ask you to please let us know.
- At no point, ever, is anyone to discuss member dealing with non-members. This PMA is a private membership. It is not public nor ever meant to be public. This membership is for the purpose of conducting transactions with each other in an honorable way. We make our own contracts and manage our own dealings.
- We are maintaining a high standard of ethics and expect all members to have these standards also. (i.e. no stealing, fraud or misrepresentation). Please extend these standards to non- member dealings because it speaks to your character. If you do not feel you can adhere to these standards of conduct, do not become a member. If we can help you in other ways, we will. Also, if you are looking to join because you need food and having difficulty providing for yourself and your family, please reach out to Mark or myself. We have food programs available and do not want to turn people away if we are able to help. Thank you.
- Member/Customer Responsibilities with Conflict
- To be honest in your dealings
- To try to sort out conflict and if you cannot find good resolution, please to include us and we will be an arbitrator and make sure everyone is happy with the result.
- To talk to the vendors, farmers and producers if you see an incongruence. Let’s assume it is unintentional and give people space and time to make corrections. If it is an ongoing problem, please contact us and give us the details.
- The farmer/producer/vendor’s Responsibilities with self-representation:
- To be honest and fair in your dealings with other members, farmers and producers.
- To list your products with the best possible information and intention, being as transparent as you know how as to the nature of your products, how they are produced and what if any cautions should be addressed. Please make sure your customers are fully informed as to what they are buying from you.
- Membership is currently free though will change at a later date. Membership is renewed quarterly. When we charge for the membership it will be a nominal amount and will be non- refundable.
- All these practices are to create fair dealings and bring harmony and peace to all our interactions with each other. As our PMA evolves we will strengthen some of these guidelines that all our issues can be dealt with fairly within our community.
- People who violate these rules will be dealt with accordingly and in most cases will be removed from membership and will no longer be able to participate within our community. If necessary we can also look to obtaining legal advice and guidance and may retain a lawyer as needed.
All these practices are to create fair dealings and bring harmony and peace to all our interactions with each other. As our PMA evolves we will strengthen some of these guidelines that all our issues can be dealt with fairly within our community.
People who violate these rules will be dealt with accordingly and in most cases will be removed from membership and will no longer be able to participate within our community. If necessary we can also look to obtaining legal advice and guidance and may retain a lawyer as needed.
i) In the political writings of 17c.-18c. it often has a sense of “the populace as the source of political power, the community in its collective and legislative capacity” and can be opposed to monarch. Link:
sovereign (n.)late 13c., soverain, “superior, ruler, master, one who is superior to or has power over another,” from Old French soverain “sovereign, lord, ruler,” noun use of adjective meaning “highest, supreme, chief” (see sovereign (adj.)). Specifically by c. 1300 as “a king or queen, a ruler of a realm.” Also of Church authorities and heads of orders or houses as well as local civic officials.Middle English had a tendency to add an unetymological -t to it, as in pheasant, tyrant. The meaning “gold coin worth 22s 6d” is attested from late 15c.; the value of it changed 1817 to 1 pound. In the political writings of 17c.-18c. it often has a sense of “the populace as the source of political power, the community in its collective andlegislative capacity” and can be opposed to monarch.Should it be argued, that a government like this, where the sovereignty resides in the whole body of the people, is a democracy ; it may be answered, that the right of sovereignty in all nations is unalienable and indivisible, and does and can reside nowhere else ; but, not to recur to a principle so general, the exercise, as well as the right of sovereignty, in Rome, resided in the people, but the government was not a democracy. In America, the right of sovereignty resides indisputably in the body of the people, and they have the whole property of land. [John Adams, “Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America,” 1787-88]
Mary Bigelow
I am interested in becoming part of this community. What is my next step?
Elana HernonAuthor
Hi. Here is the link for signing up.
If you have any trouble contact Mark through text 587-598-9204. He has a day job and isn’t always able to take phone calls.
Glad you want to join!
Very interested in becoming a member. We try to eat “clean” food, but it’s hard not having a network.
Thank you for thinking about joining our club! Happy to have you on board! Let me know if you have any questions.
Donna Shirley
Hello new to this. I just signed up but cannot find out how to purchase/ if you have delivery to my area. Thank you
Hi Donna,
Thanks for joining our club!
You should now see a “shop” menu on top of the screen (on desktop which right now is a better experience than on a phone). You can go view by farmer or shop all which shows a list of all the products which you can filter by category or just scroll through. Alternatively once you login you can click here to go to that same shopping page …
I have just sent further details to your email.
Shannon Culham
I’ve tried to sign up as a member but still don’t receive any information
Hi everything looks good for your account. You should be able to click on the shop menu and either check out all the farmers and also click on shop all which shows all of the products.
If you need any info or are having any trouble please text me at 587-598-9204 or email
Alice McCargar
I was a part of your group but now cannot seem to access
Our system will be open for orders on August 30th…the next delivery will be on Sept 6th. We are taking vacation until then.
I did check and you are a member on our system!
Cree Spirited
I came across your organization as I was searching for local honey & I love what I’ve read. I’ve signed up!
Thanks so much for that! I know the farmers appreciate your support.
Lora Weir
THANK YOU for doing this!!!!
Rick Burgess
This is a great thing you guys are doing. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for those kind words!!
Janet Greenhalgh
I have read through everything and cannot wait to be a part of this organization, in every way. I have many questions but understand growing pains necessitate patience.
Amanda Brown
So anything we buy always has a 15% markup? So the $250 1/4 beef will be $287.50?
Hi Amanda, the commission we charge farmers is already included in the price you see on our system. We are just being transparent to farmers and customers about what we are charging. Again though it is something we charge the vendors based on the price you see on the site. Hope that clarifies things. If it is the 1/4 beef from Britestone you were looking at that is quite a bit higher.